schandalig, incompetent

schandalig, incompetent

lousy service. incorrect product was delivered, jewelry set in different gold colors (bracelet and necklace in different colors). when I shared this with the customer service agent I was told to send the set back on own costs (insurance), which was not reimbursed. when I asked a solution for the incorrect product delivery, I got the answer that delivery with my previous discount was not possible. and costs where for my own account.. unacceptable. super arrogant and incompetent customer “service”. company doesn’t take ownership and doesn’t solve the mistakes caused by themselves. poor, poor, poor. don’t buy here.

Sterke punten

Zwakke punten
* verkeerde product levering
* geen oplossing biedend
* extra kosten voor klant om foutieve product levering terug te sturen

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